Tuesday, July 12, 2011

No boxes for me, please!

Shane and I aren't moving!!  This will be the first time since  I was 18 that I will have lived in the same place for more than a year. Can you believe it?!  We are pretty excited.  We were almost homeless because we told our apartments we weren't staying, but  couldn't find anywhere else to go! After seeing that everywhere else is full or way expensive, we got our place to come down on the rent increase and we decided to stay. YAY!

Adam and Shane working hard to find boxes for our last move
A pastor doing a sermon on friendship once said that you can tell who your true friends are by who shows up to help you move in the middle of July. Well, by that standard we have a lot of awesome friends. I know we had friends here that were willing to help us( Thanks for the offer Belgards and Mortons but we don't have to spend a sweaty day moving boxes yay!), and we moved so many freaking times in Tucson our friends really stepped it up.  

So here is a shout out to some of our awesome friends:  First of all Chris Porter- we barely knew this guy and he saved us in our move to Houston with his enthusiasm, ability to squish everything into our truck and spidery long legs.  Amazing! Along with Chris, Big Adam- who was technically  on vacation but helped anyways, and Matt George were super helpful.  We actually had to move twice while trying to get to Houston and our Bible study ( along with lil Adam of course) rocked the first half of the move. 

We will not be doing this yay!!!

You can see the Sams and the Andersons being awesome in the picture above- I think it was Ryan who discovered how to take apart our big chair- we tried for forever and couldn't do it but he totally figured it out!  And let me tell you- there were multiple items that had to go up, and down, over the balcony - a bit scary!  Oh and the time before this one Jilly Z was there, and the Sams again- they really are troopers and Michael Miller ... oh and the Georges came and cooked us steaks which were de-lish ( Michael Miller made brea mashed potatoes too!) !  And Matt Hilst showed up late, ate yummy food, and repaid us by building our bed! Of course a huge shout out needs to go to the Kraffts ( not us... Shane's parents) and Wes who were there every time.  

Hopefully I didn't forget anyone... there have been so many moves and so many wonderful people that have helped. I wish I had pictures but apparently moving is not a great picture taking activity.  Anyways, I am super glad that we aren't moving, but also very thankful for all the people in our lives that have helped us in the past.  I love you guys!! 


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Adam's Visit in Photos

 So sometimes I like to read peoples blogs....but most of the time I skim the words and just look at the pictures, so here is a blog told in pictures.  Adam came to visit!!  ( Also, the picture formatting wasn't working, but you can still enjoy)
Obviously hanging out with the pups.  
We went to the Art Museum! They have a 3-D art!


We went on a tour!!

Adam liked all the engineery stuff

So Big!!

We played games:)

Lookin' good Adam

Galveston Beach
Black Pearl Oyster Bar- good seafood. 

Getting ready for St. Arnold's Brewery1
The Belgards joined us!

Of Course Settlers was involved. 
Lion King!!
Mmmm Baby Boone:) 

Stop by the Beer Can house
A little frozen yogurt 

Fajitas at El Tiempo!


Shane kissing a cow head

Adam thinking about how good the BBQ was
Chocolate- yummy! 


Quick trip the Zoo and we're done:)